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How we will end poverty What we've done so far A World of Abundance Seeing is Believing How can I help? Our other sites
How we will end poverty
Introducing a whole new way of dealing with hunger and poverty. Using the poor as a workforce, we will produce enough food to virtually eliminate hunger and poverty. Accessing a workforce of BILLIONS of people, we will soon solve all the problems of mankind.
Imagine for a moment, a poor starving person. What do you see? I see a person with incredible potential. A person fully capable of producing more than enough food, and doing many other things as well. So why is this person poor? Why is this person starving? What will it take to get this person productive, well fed and enjoying life?
This is not a difficult problem to solve. I'm sure that you can imagine what it would take to make this one person productive. What it would take to get this one person producing plenty of food, to be well fed, happy and healthy. Some land, some knowledge, some tools, and some seeds. That part is easy.
Now take that one step further. Try to imagine a solution in which the work of this first person, will bring what is needed to get a few more people productive, well fed, happy and healthy, as well. Just a few more people. Now, all of a sudden, we have a solution that grows and grows, till everyone in the World is productive, well fed, happy and healthy.
With this, we unlock the potential of exponential growth. Imagine... 1 person helps 10. 10 help 100. 100 help 1000. 1,000 help 10,000. 10,000 help 100,000. 100,000 help 1 million. 1 million help 10 million. 10 million help 100 million. 100 million help 1 billion people... and 1 billion people help the rest, and just like that poverty is eliminated forever.
See, all we need is a system that does not rely on continous donations to help people. All we need is a system that gets the poor to help the poor.
We do not need to think about how many poor people there are in the world, and how will we be able to help them all with what little money we got to spare. We only need to help a few people to get the ball rolling.
Maybe you don't quite understand this yet. Let me explain it in more detail.
Imagine a wealthy person in a very poor country, taking 50% of everything he makes, and using that money to help the people around him, to make them productive and prosperous.
Now, imagine those people becoming wealthy, and taking 50% of everything they make, and using that money to help the poor people around them, to make them productive and prosperous. Giving those people the ability to produce income.
'Course, no one ever does that right? But what if they did? What if we found a way to actually make that happen?
It would spread quickly. 1 person helps 2, and 2 help 4, 4 help 8, 8 help 16, 16 help 32 and on and on until poverty is gone.
How do we get the people to use that extra income to help others? What prevents them from keeping it all to themselves?
Currently, if someone makes $100 a week, that person spends $100 a week on himself. If someone makes $1000 a week, that person spends $1000 a week. If someone makes $5,000 a week, that person spends $5,000 a week on himself. Even if a person makes $1 million a week, he will keep it all to himself.
It should be obvious, in our current system of society, it does not matter how much a person makes, he or she is always poor. Nobody ever has enough money, therefore they are poor.
See, this is the key. This is pretty much where all the problems of mankind begin. Fix this one problem, and the result is people helping people, people actually caring for each other and the Earth. Once we have that, all other problems will be quickly solved.
Give people the ability to solve problems, and allow them to solve the problems. Just like that, and all problems of mankind can be marked, "problem solved!"
To do this, it should be obvious that we need to create a slightly different environment than we are currently creating for people. Not to worry, it is actually a simple thing to do.
What makes this simple, is that we are talking about making a change in the lives of just a few very poor people. A small very poor village. An effort that will cost only a few hundred thousand dollars, has the potential to end poverty in the entire World.
Just like that, it starts very small and grows, just like a tiny seed. Plant a tiny seed, and watch it grow! That is how simple this is.
To create a system where people have enough to allow them to help others, we need to prevent them from spending everything on themselves.
Rather than simply giving the money to the poor, we create an organization which takes the 50% and uses it to buy land, equipment, machines, and other things needed to produce income. This organization retains control of those things, and allows the poor to use them to produce income. This insures that this organization gets the 50% from the income. It also makes the process much more efficient, by sharing resources.
Basically, a company, which unites the people, so that all are working for the good of the company.
Not at all like a regular company. An organization which gives true freedom to all of its people, and treats them like human beings. Gives them the ability to make decisions and control what they do. I call it “Open Company”.
It will be open and transparent in every thing it does.
Not so sure you like this idea? Don't think it will work? Like any new idea, almost nobody believes in it, until they see proof it will work. Sometimes you have to try something new. Some things are just worth trying.
Sure, there is much more too it than I can explain here. This is not something just anyone can do, but it is something I can do.
If you want change, you have to change things.
Rather than asking yourself if you believe this plan will work, the question you should ask, is how sure are you this plan will NOT work? Especially, since you know almost nothing about it yet.
We are talking about a plan that could end the suffering of billions of people. To simply say "I don't think it will work" is not good enough. When something is this important, you have to be absolutly sure it will not work!
Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine yourself working hard and making only $75 a month. You have no land, no options, or hope for self improvement. Now, being extremely poor, imagine you somehow get to choose what people do with the money they donate to the poor. You can have people give $1 to the poor, which gets divided into 1.3 billion people, and you get 0.00000077 cents from that dollar. Or would you rather people would give that $1 to try a plan like this and see if it actually works?
What would you do with that 0.00000077 cents anyway? Probably just spend it and it'd be gone forever, right? Well, don't spend it all in one place!
Here is another thought. Jim has $1. He can invest that $1 in the lottery, with a 1 in a billion chance of making himself rich, or he can invest that $1 in this plan which could make the entire world rich, including Jim.
Realistically, which has more appealing odds? Which is the more intelligent choice for Jim?
'Course, maybe it isn't the chance to get rich that entices Jim. Maybe it is more the fantasy of it. If Jim puts $1 in the lottery he can fantasize about becoming rich. If Jim puts $1 in this plan, then what can he fantasize about?
What about the possibility of creating paradise on Earth? Wouldn't that be a more appealing fantasy? Imagine a world where everyone who has the inspiration to create, has the tools, resources and assistance needed. With 100 times as many having what is needed to create, this would mean new technology being created 100 times faster. It is a world beyond our wildest imagination. A world where everyone does what really truly inspires them, what they really want to do. So, when I say, ending poverty, I'm only scratching the surface.
Why fantasize about something boring like winning the lottery, which will never happen anyway, when you can fantasize about something this awesome that really can happen?
In a world of supply and demand, what makes the price of food in a 3rd world nation go up, when no one around has any money to pay for food? If no one has money, that should mean prices go down. So why do they go up?
The price goes up because of people in rich nations have money. The food in the poor nations is being bought up, taken away, and shipped to rich nations, so we can have cheaper food. We are taking food away from the poor.
Why are land prices going up as well, in areas where no one has any money to buy land? Again, the wealthy are buying the land away from the poor.
We, the people are buying both the food and land away from the people in 3rd world nations. Is that fair?
The more people want for themselves, the more enslaved we all are. Almost all land in the World is owned, and only a very small percentage is used. The price of land is so high that only the rich can afford it, and the poor and middle class are enslaved because they can not afford land.
So how do we get that land back to the poor, so that the poor can grow food and feed their children? How do we prevent our greed from interfering?
We need to unite into one organization, all of us helping each other however we can. We need to do so without asking what we ourselves get from it.
It was our collective greed that got us in this mess. Only collective generosity or "love" can get us out of it.
Even so, we need to maximize the effect of our generosity. For that, I introduce the concept of Zacchaeus Economics.
Zacchaeus Economics is a concept I came up with. The inspiration is a guy name Zacchaeus who told Jesus he gives half of everything to the poor. I combined this with my knowledge of electronics, where if a power supply gives half of its power, it is providing the most power it can give.
When a power supply supplies to little current, it does less. When it supplies to much current it does less. Likewise with a person. When a person gives to much, he becomes poor, and does less good. When a person gives to little, he retains his wealth and does less good.
From this, I concluded that the greatest ability to do good, happens when we, from an income source, give half of what we make to helping others. This is mostly what this whole concept is based on
This plan is about bringing out in people their greatest ability to do good.
What we've done so far
Imagine you could invest $1 and that money would grow and grow and in 1000 years or so, your $1 would all by itself would grow to the point where it would eliminate poverty.
1000 years is a long time, but the more money we start with, the faster we can end poverty.
In 2009, the president of the Association for Humanitarian Development, or AHD, suggested that he and I both put in a total $6,250 of our own money and buy some land in rural Pakistan.
From the income from that land, from 2012 to 2016 AHD used about $56,000 US to do humanitarian work. That is about 9 times as much as the original donation, and it is still providing money.
That $6,250 of initial funding, is now doing good at a level of around $30,000 a year.
What does AHD do with this money? AHD has taught 5000 families to make their own water filters, and thereby have clean safe drinking water year after year. AHD has helped 750 families, to build low cost but comfortable homes.
In a few years we expect it to produce all the money needed by AHD, so that AHD will no longer need donations at all. AHD's annual budget is around $60,000.
Our real objective, however is end poverty, using the plan which was partly revealed in the previous chapter. To establish a system which will bring out in everyone, the maximum ability to do good.
Ordinarily, if you take a poor person and give him the ability to make money, you get only one rich person. This does the world no good at all. Our objective is to take ordinary poor people, and get them not only producing income, but also doing the same thing with more and more ordinary poor people. Only then will we have accomplished something that can end poverty.
Our system bypasses the natural human selfishness and gets them to help others in spite of themselves.
This will not be accomplished until I am able to go there and oversee the project, and that will not happen until the project has quite a bit more income.
Once it is fully implemented, the theoretical growth rate of this project is astronomical, and the amount of money needed to get it going is ridiculously low. If one out of one hundred people were to give one penny, it would be more than enough to get this project going.
This is a project that cost so little, that it is possible that even one small church could fully fund it.
Perhaps you should consider talking to your church about it!!!
Getting funding, is hard work. Work which takes what little time I have away from the project. If I can get others to do this this work for me, it will leave is me more time to work on the project. We need to get other people involved in doing the work of spreading the word and promoting, so that people will learn about it may want to help fund it.
With all the talk about sustainability now days, how often do you see someone talking about sustainable funding? How often do you see something where a small amount of initial funding continues to help people year after year and actually multiplies so it helps more people each year?
It gives me a lot of pride to see my little bit of money accomplishing so much year after year, but I'd like to see it accomplishing much more.
Imagine if you were part of something great like this. Helping thousands of people. Would you like to be a part of that? What about helping millions or even billions of people?
And so it begins.
A World of Abundance
What if you could imagine something, and it would just appear out of nowhere.
What if you were to imagine scarcity. That there is not enough food to feed the World. That the Earth, simply can not support so many people. What if you could imagine that, and it would just magically appear out of no where...
If you think about it, that is just what we've done.
I've heard statistics that in 1999, 70% of the families in Russia had a tiny plot of land called a “dacha”, typically 0.15 acres, on which they grew about 70% of the food of Russia.
Taking various factors into consideration, that would suggest that it takes about 1/4 of an acre to grow enough food for a family, and that is in a northern climate with only a 110 day growing season, and very few green houses. Much more can be grown down south.
Perhaps such statistics are somewhat exaggerated. It may take as much as 1 acre to feed a family which often includes grand parents, about 1/4 of an acre per person. My family of 4 produces about 10% of our food on about 1/10 of an acre. Even so, there are 126 billion acres on Earth and only 7 billion people.
The point is, without any technology, the Earth can easily produce more than 10 times the food needed to feed all of us. So the question should be asked, why is anyone starving?
Imagine that! The point is, that we basically have collectively imagined that there is not enough, and magically we do not have enough.
So why don't we simply change that. Why don't we start to imagine that there is abundance. There is plenty for everyone. Not just imagining it, but start taking action to make that abundance come about.
See, it is not believing that makes things happen, but rather the actions that result from that belief that makes things happen. When we imagine something, it changes our actions, so that it really happens as we imagine it.
Abundance will not come from our belief in abundance, but rather our actions which result from that belief in abundance. But first we have to believe.
When we don't believe, we do nothing to make it happen.
But it is more than just abundance. The system we are imagining can end global warming, clean the environment, prevent nuclear war, make us all more healthy and happy, and reduce the stress and the amount we need to work. It might solve all the major problems of mankind!
I'm not the only one, even the Pope is now saying we need a new form of society. The Pope says "the Bible demands an economic system that cares for the “poorest and those most excluded.”
Before any of this can happen, first you have to believe.
Seeing is Believing
You won't fully believe in this plan till you actually see it in action. Nobody will, no matter what I tell you or how well I explain it, you won't believe it will work. That is true of every new idea. Only the creator of an idea believes in it.
I can only hope that I can interest you enough to get your attention and curiosity, maybe get you want to give it a try and see what happens. The benefits are astronomical, and the potential for loss is as low as one dollar.
We the people, put our faith in science, and in government with their military and police. We put our faith in mutually assured destruction.
Perhaps what we really need, is to learn to put our faith in the people's kindness and love, but to do that, we will need to see proof that the people will not let us down.
We see poor people doing bad things, and we think it is because they are bad people. We don't see their potential to do good.
See, that is what real faith is. To have real faith in this plan, we need to see proof that we will not be let down. Faith comes from knowing, from observing the facts, from seeing poverty ending.
If you really truly believed in this plan to end poverty, you would give every cent you have to spare into this plan. You would work hard to make more money and live as cheap as you could, to have more money to give.
You would do this, because you would know that it will help you also. You would know this will bring paradise. You would know that this will end the suffering of billions of people, including yourself.
The fact that you do not do this, does not make you evil. Of course not! The fact that you could give one dollar to end the suffering of billions of people does not make you evil. Not at all! It may sound bad, but it does not make you bad. It does not show that you simply don't care about the suffering of billions of people.
What it shows is that you simply do not yet believe in this plan. You do not yet have that much faith. That you simply do not yet have one dollar's worth of faith.
Unfortunately, I can not provide proof, until I have enough money to fully launch this program and show you it's success.
So how can we get enough people to have just enough faith in this plan, to give us enough money to give it a try? Imagine how frustrating it is to have a plan that can end the suffering of billions of people, and not be able to get anyone willing to give one cent to it!!!
What does it take to get people curious enough to be willing to throw a few bucks at it and see what happens?
The people are the power of the world. We are the ones who really can make change. We can only make change though, by being willing to try new things.
Unfortunately, when it comes to who can make change in this world, we, the people, look to the politicians, the rich, and the popular. This means that we are putting our faith in money, power, and popularity.
Where we put our faith, is where we put our power.
If we want change, we have to change where we put our faith, and thereby change where we put our power.
Where should we put our faith?
You've heard the old saying "God is love."
We need to put our faith in Love. We need to put our faith in the idea that people can become better people, that people can help each other.
If we put our faith in Love, than our actions will reflect that, and we will end poverty and make paradise on Earth.
If you want peace, you don't force it with war. If you want peace, you have to help the people gain faith in humanity. Faith in people helping people. Get them to have enough faith to know that nations, force, and war, are no longer necessary. Faith in humanity is faith in God.
How do you get people to have faith in people helping people?
You can start by helping people.
How can I help?
Perhaps your thinking, how can I be part of something this great? How can I be a part of this? If this project inspires you, and you feel you'd like to help out, there are many things you can do to help.
The obvious way is you can send us small monthly donations.
Here's interesting idea which may not cost you anything. If you know someone who owes you money and you don't expect will ever pay you back, our monthly payment system might be much easier for them, and maybe the extra benefit of helping the poor might encourage them or the extra guilt might motivate them. You could suggest that they sign up for monthly donations to us as a way of paying you back. They could check with an online loan calculator to find a fair amount to pay. Who knows, it just might work, and not cost you anything, or it might get them to pay you back instead. Either way makes it worth a try.
You can tell people about us, for one. You can send the URL for this website to everyone you know. You can add it as a "signature" line on your e-mails.
This website is specifically designed to be readable on a smart phone. If you simply send an SMS to everyone you know with this website's URL, that would help a lot.
You can talk to your church about it. Maybe they would be interested in helping us with funding. Our funding needs are so low that one small church could fully fund our project.
You can make business cards with the URL and pass them out. Maybe pass them out at colleges and universities, at bus stops, at malls or whatever. You may need to get permission though, depending on where you pass them out. Perhaps leaving them in waiting rooms where people have time to read and nothing else to do.
You can talk with companies and see if they would be interested in giving out the URL with their products when they ship them or whatever.
World Peace Church
To bring about World Peace, we must bring power to the people.
To bring power to the people, we must end poverty.
. . . and the meek shall inherit the Earth.
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